Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

5 Safety Tips For Online Shopping

One of the coolest capabilities today is the internet, you are notbound by geographic location when to use it. This is especially useful when you are shopping. Before the internet became a common thing now, you are stuck with the choices and prices in the shops around your home, now you can shop anywhere, at anytime and you can be very selective.
Of course, there are some risks that come with online shopping.Although identity theft is more common in the real world, but quiteoften be done online, as well as credit card fraud. So when you'reshopping online security are paramount. Here are five tips forsafe online shopping:

1. Choose than Debit Credit Card
You may not often hear the advice to use credit cards instead of debit cards or cash but if you have to do this. Credit cards offer protection from identity theft and debit cards do not offer this. As long as you report the scam / fraud within 30 or 60 days (depending on company). But if you use debit cards online and someone gets access to your debit, they can clear the account balance. Chances are you will get the money back but it may be time consuming and that you will not get everything. So use a credit card and paid off monthly bills.

2. Use Disposable Credit Card
Disposable credit cards such as gift cards. You add a certain amount of funds into the credit card. Visa and American Express offer these cards in a variety of nominal and easy to get. The good news is if the number of single-use credit card is stolen, criminals can not gain access to funds more than a nominal amount of money still available in this credit card.

3. Ensure Security Website
There are different levels of security available online and some websites do not offer safe shopping online. That means that savvy criminals can see everything that you put in the form on the site, including personal information and credit card. You can find out whether a site is secure by looking at the URL. A secure website starts with HTTPS :/ / instead of HTTP :/ /. Secure site will also have a small lock icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

4. Do not Shop in public places
If you plan to do online shopping, do this at home. You can shop at lingerie and can do so at any time, day or night. You also know that anyone who accesses a computer at home. If using a public computer at the library, at a cafe or at work for online shopping, you do not have control over who might be prepared to use computers, too. You also do not have control over the type of spyware or malware can infect your computer. Shopping at home. It's much safer.

5. Do not Store Information Elsewhere
Many shopping sites, even a superior offer the ability to store credit card information on their servers to speed up the shopping process. Imagine Shopper-Deals.Info with one click shopping facilities. This is definitely faster but there are some risks to keep your personal information in other places. If a company where the shop has a data breach, personal information you may be at risk.

Take time to shop safely and be careful with the sites you choose to shop so that your identity is stolen in the transaction process.

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