Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Tips to Overcome Child tantrums

Anger is a human emotion that occurs naturally and can incite hatred against a person and an event. This not only occurs in adults, children can experience it. Problems that children may not have been so severe nature, but as a parent, sometimes you also confused when berhadapaan with anger children.
Actually, the anger that occurs in children usually are the consequence of a misunderstanding, false accusation and unfair treatment or just feeling uncomfortable.

Apart from that, 'anger' can also be a disguise other emotion, because the child can not express what he meant. When emotions have met him and to the point of patience, then the child becomes irritable or angry. Here are some tips to overcome the child irritable, as summarized by The Parents Zone.

1. Teach children to express their emotions
Not everyone can learn to express their own emotions. As a parent it is your duty to help children understand the importance of expressing his emotions at any given time. To reassure the child, that you really want to help, try to take time off to really listen to what happened to them.

2. Anger does not eliminate anger
Parents and children usually have a strong bond, so if you're under stress, children can also feel the same. But sometimes there is also the point where you will also feel annoyed that child's anger. But in fact, maybe your child's anger is actually a reaction to stress yourself in how to deal with them. So try to be more relaxed and calm, as it automatically to the children learn what they see from their parents.

3. Cool is not the solution
End the discussion of issues that have not been completed or indifferent to the child's anger will not bring you to a solution.Accept and deal with those problems, and then correct it right.Remember, that for all children is important. So to overcome their problems the same way. Sit down together, listen attentively and then find the solution together.

4. Do not support aggressive action
Anger is a normal thing. Indeed, it could lead to abnormal changes in attitude and the aggression that followed anger.Although it is necessary to express emotion, but not a good thing if he was too aggressive with his emotions. Tell your child with a gentle attitude, but remains firmly and if necessary make clear limits to reduce the aggressive attitude.

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