Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Parent Tips that will Make the Pediatrician

Take the baby to the pediatrician is a routine performed by each parent. For that to know the 10 steps to be prepared when you carry the baby to the pediatrician.

Examination is the best way to ensure children grow and developaccording to age. But it's actually more than that, because ofdoctor's visits provide an opportunity for parents to learn how tokeep children healthy and safe as well as answer any concernsand questions that have dibenaknya.

For that Dr. William Sears provides some tips and tricks for parents now bring the child to the pediatrician

1. Pick the right timeShould not visit a doctor to coincide with nap time or when children eat, and avoid the time when your baby tends to start fussing. In addition, try to feed him before you go or bring some snacks, and avoid a full hour for a baby not too long to wait.
2. Tell your doctor if you need extra timeProblems such as poor eating habits or developmental delays may require more attention. So tell your doctor if you need extra time to discuss the issue.
3. Give the baby clothes that fitAvoid giving your baby in layers of clothes or use a lot of buttons, as well as most toddlers do not like the shoes that are easily dislodged.
4. Provide comfort and peace to childrenIf parents know that their children be afraid or scared by the scales checked, then the parents should act as a defender of the child by giving him comfort and peace so that his fear.
5. Bring a photo or videoTry taking a picture of a rash or abnormalities that are owned by the child in her skin, as well as video of crying due to colic. Dr. Sears says it is quite helpful in diagnosing and treating patients.
6. Note the further questions to the doctorBring a list of questions so you do not forget something important to discuss, and provide books and pens to record the answers to the doctor and things to do.
7. Speak freelyParents should not be afraid or embarrassed because there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you want to know something then it's a normal thing, because an important part of the visit is to get the right information and right of the physician.
8. HonestIf the child has a lack of sleep or eating too much junk food, so honest, so the doctor can give an accurate assessment and help to diagnose it properly.
9. Be prepared to answer questions for general topicsDoctors usually ask about general topics to parents, such as how the child when he sleeps, how much is eaten, and the development of the behavior bagaimaan ekcil.
10. Do not be too worriedBabies can usually find out parents' feelings, for it not too worried or anxious faces showed. If the baby's mother seen the face of a calm and happy to be in place, the baby will be more cooperative.

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