Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

5 Tips for Choosing a Wedding Cake

Not only the selection of colors and wedding theme, determine the design of the cake with all the knick-perniknya was equally important. If you plan to bring a cake at the wedding, of course,have noticed a lot of things ranging from design to it. As quotedfrom She Knows, the following guide to choose the right weddingcake.

A. Choose a Reputable Pastry Shop
Pastry shop that already has a high reputation in its field, it usually will treat customers well did her best to meet the demand.Generally, specialist cake shops that already have the name of his staff split into two categories. One for regular cake orders, another for the wedding. They are also commonly used to separate the area customers and partners to facilitate the discussion of the bride and groom about the cake design you want. Although the price is slightly expensive, reputable bakery will be a guarantee of quality.

2. Provide a Special Time
You should have started picking out the cake between three to six months before the wedding. Once she had set the theme color and place of marriage, immediately select the appropriate design of the cake. As one of the attractions at the wedding, cake design should be thought through and detailed as possible.

3. Taste Cakes
In addition to design, make sure you also like the taste of the cake. Do a cake tasting at least three kinds of cake before booking. If there is one cake in several flavors, you should try everything. To be more secure and to ensure you, your family and all the guests loved the wedding cake, choose a general such as chocolate, strawberry or vanilla.

4. Select the Creative Design
Super-high wedding cake, layered with creamy white bride doll on top, it seems a little too general and outdated. Be creative with your wedding cake, cake design can match the color theme or decorate it with pearls. Can also decorate a cake with elements of the dress worn pegantin. For example, lace, ribbons or even crystals.

5. Need Inspiration? Try to Follow the Trends
You need to know, what is becoming a trend in the wedding this year? Classic-shaped cake, or a unique minimalist popular today. Generally, the trend of wedding cake in 2012 appears more simple, elegant and not too many knick-knacks and colorful.

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